6 months in and we are so pleased with the attention Foundation House is attracting as this gives profile to philanthropy in Canada. Last month the Governor General, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, stopped by to see our new philanthropic hub. He met with the CEOs as well as family and volunteers from the various organizations and led an engaging discussion about current trends in philanthropy and the Third Sector in Canada. Many thanks to His Excellency for a lively conversation facilitated by Scott Haldane!

Marcel Lauzière

Marcel Lauzière

President & CEO at The Lawson Foundation
Marcel Lauzière is the President & CEO of The Lawson Foundation, a national family foundation that focuses on the healthy development of children and youth in Canada. Marcel has worked in the charitable and nonprofit sector, as well as in government, here in Canada and abroad. Prior to his 2014 appointment to the Lawson Foundation, Marcel was president and CEO of Imagine Canada, the national umbrella for charities.

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