Child & Youth Diabetes Strategy
Project ProfileScaling Up SCOPE’s Live 5-2-1-0 Initiative
University of British Columbia
Focus: Collective community action to create healthy environments for children
Target Population: Multi-sectoral community stakeholders; children aged 14 and under
Reach: Community-wide – Tri-Cities, Hope, Nanaimo, BC
Grant: $252,500
Project Goal
To broaden the impact of Live 5-2-1-0, a community-based childhood obesity prevention initiative that uses the evidence-based Live 5-2-1-0 message (have “at least 5 vegetables and fruits, less than 2 hours of screen time, at least 1 hour of active play, and zero sugary drinks, per day”).
Project Overview
Lead by UBC, Live 5-2-1-0 indirectly targets children by directly engaging community-level stakeholders representing multiple sectors (e.g., local governments, parks/recreation, schools, early childhood educators, community services, primary care) who influence the environments in which children live, learn and play. Currently, Live 5-2-1-0 is being implemented in four communities in BC, reaching approximately 45,000 children aged 14 and under via more than 100 multi-sectoral partnerships that have resulted in over 150 ‘actions’ that share or support the Live 5-2-1-0 message. Over the past year, the team has had requests from other BC communities interested in implementing Live 5-2-1-0. To address this demand, they will design, pilot and evaluate an evidence-based approach to scale-up in three new communities (Tri-Cities, Hope, Nanaimo). The project will generate new resources including a training curriculum, sector-specific engagement tools, and a ‘how-to’ guide to collecting population-level outcome data, all intended to build human capacity locally and regionally to implement Live 5-2-1-0. All SCOPE’s resources will be available for free on their knowledge translation platform.